Tuesday, April 1, 2008

here is the right one its supposed to be three panels


Ruffner2 said...

I like the more abstract approach you took on this piece. The three panels work well with the colors and are balanced well compositionally.

GabriellePeterson said...

I think the piece flows very well, very cohesive. The color choice is very effective and draws attention to each panel making them fit well together as a whole.

*P*A*P*P*A* said...

I think the colors and the composition work well together but I think you could have done a bit more with the piece to show more about you.

C3_Skae said...

i like the way the colors flow into one another...it works very nicely...i also love the almost abstract quality that it has

jaimie michelle said...

i like the approach that you took in having each image truely flow into one another that way when its presented it looks like one single image when in fact it is three separate images placed together. good job zachie poo haha

RoOose said...

i enjoyed zach's piece when i first saw his first post but now that the colors are what they should be i feel the piece is stronger. i especially like the second triptych for he portrays his amazing singing voice. :]

Ariel Capellupo said...

i also like that this piece is more abstract and uses color in a different way. but i also agree that is does not show a lot of you in the image. the flow of the images and use of photoshop tools is quite good.

Marissa Marton said...

I really like how your piece flows together as one and how you used the primary colors and had them blend together to create the three works... It flows together very well... Great Job!

atticus13x said...

i agree with what alyssa said... it looks great, and the abstract-ness really works, but i really can't connect any of it to you other than the fact that your face is in there. :/

but i do really love the color choice/background. the ripples in water and the fire are awesome... and that sunflower is my fave because it looks like it's going to eat someone :D

ChelcSic said...

Its cute, very colorful. I like the opacity changes and the overlapping of stuff.

ZoeChen said...

I like the coordination of colors. It makes me feel so special. It will be even better if the work can present yourself more.

Kim said...

I really like the colors and how they flow together. The way the images fade away makes you look closer at the piece. Well done.

mal237 said...

i like the different approach that you took to this peice. I like the color choice, and i'm glad you changed the colors from the orginal one below it. the blue would have been to bold. overall its really balanced and it flows very well compostionally.